DJ Buhle – Winter’s Call (Remixes)

DJ Buhle – Winter’s Call (Remixes). Winter’s Call is the first single off DJ Buhle’s upcoming debut EP ‘4 Seasons’. This time around she adds an interesting twist as she features an elite select of remixers from different parts of the world, presenting a much more colourful perspective to the song. The package features remixes from China Charmeleon one of South Africa’s most sought after talents, and others.


  1. DJ Buhle – Winter’s Call (China Charmeleon The Animal Remix)
  2. DJ Buhle – Winter’s Call (Eva Gallo Remix)
  3. DJ Buhle – Winter’s Call (Kiano & Below Bangkok Remix)
  4. DJ Buhle – Winter’s Call (Stiven Escarraga Remix)
  5. DJ Buhle – Winter’s Call (King Schwarz & San Luis Potosie Bonus Mix)


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